Ultra-light: Why It Matters
Marching arts transport carts often weight more than the actual equipment they carry. It has become the norm for transport carts to weigh over 200 lbs which comes with a handful of serious consequences and problems.
Bloated, overweight carts make it extremely difficult to transport equipment over ledges. It can be a big problem if a performer or student cannot move a cart on their own, and ledges are a common stumbling block. MODX carts are so light they can often be lifted by a student on their own.
Cumbersome carts also make it difficult to navigate uneven terrain. Heavy weight carts get hung up in gravel, bogged down in thick grass, and stuck in mud. MODX carts tend to float over terrain thanks to their ultra-light chassis and thick wheels.
Lastly, many carts place unnecessary strain on the tow rig. On an individual basis this effect may be negligible, but MODX carts have the potential to save up to 1000 lbs across the whole ensemble.
Today's manufacturers have successfully painted a picture that heavier is better. However, the MODX aluminum extrusion chassis is incredibly capable and durable at a fraction of the weight.